Sunday, August 25, 2013

Garrett: pack n play tester

My grandpa decided to come for a visit and when I opened the guest room and closet I realized a ton of baby stuff was just sitting there waiting and was really in the way.  I want to start transitioning the guest room into a guest room/play room so I figured today was as good of a day as any to start the process.  That meant cleaning out my room first, so I made a space on my side of the bed for the pack n play and we got it put up.  Garrett immediately wanted in.  Clearly there will be some transition once this baby gets here. 

He did the stand up test.

He did the shake test.

More shaking on the other side.

The lick test.  His life's mission is to taste everything. 

The pick me up test.

More licking.  Although this looks like crying.  I don't like crying tests.

And even more licking.  Did I mention his life's mission?
Yep, it looks like daddy still remembers how to install this thing.  I wonder if baby B will actually want to sleep in this thing?

Friday, August 16, 2013

The BIG Reveal

The outside of the card I made to hold the gender sonogram
 This child is a blessing.  It is not just another pregnancy.  This baby was not owed to us and we certainly are not worthy to be another baby's parent, but God saw fit.  For that we are thankful and we celebrate!  We cannot wait to meet this baby and introduce to the friends and family waiting to love and celebrate this new life. 

To my husband, thanks for going along with my crazy ideas (this one and the many more that are sure to follow) and waiting an extra 3 weeks to find out what we are having. I love you.
To Kendra, Barney, KT and Cassandra, thanks for being part of our private celebration and reveal and for making it so incredibly unique and special for us. 

So, without further ado....
The inside of the card I made.  Kendra filled it in and attached the sonogram. 
I can't lie!  Mark and I always hoped for a son and a daughter...and in that order, no less! (darn the planner...dare I say...Emerald in us...I wonder if those that know what the heck I am referring to are even reading this!)  A baby is pure love no matter the gender so while in one moment our family became something we had not imagined, it will still be something spectacular and we count down the days until we meet this little guy.

Curious about the name?  If you remember blog posts and FB posts from the Garrett days when he was noted always as Baby G, we shall call this little one, Baby B, short for Blake Cash King.  Fitting for the second prince of our family, don't you think!

I feel like he must know that we found out he is a boy.  He has been kicking me hard since last night :)  That's okay though, I like knowing he is in there growing and getting strong.  

If you have a moment, watch our reveal video.  Barney worked really hard to video the reveal for us.  Zooming ain't easy folks :)  I kid, I kid!

More pictures will be added once we receive our flash drive from the photographer, but the one below will have to suffice for now.  I will be stalking her FB page for a sneak peak and frequenting my mailbox until it arrives.  I'm not impatient...nope, not me...just in love with the thought of the memories that will be held on that flash drive and all the cool artwork that will be adorning our walls!


*Mark just reminded me that with the addition of boys, it means additional cars to be bought.  Oh dear!!!!  I'm going to need a much larger garage.   

The Making of a Gender Reveal

Have you ever noticed that large box of Freezer Wrap in the foil and plastic wrap section of your grocery store?  I never noticed it before, but in my online search for a way to make a template I came across a blog that used this awesome paper.  She traced an image onto the paper and then cut it out.  I knew there must be a better way. 

Insert Home Printer!

Cut your freezer paper to a sheet that will fit into your printer, this will also limit the size your template can ultimately be so this is great for smaller projects (t-shirts, bags, pillow cases, etc).  In the case of my printer and Word too, I was limited to a max of 9"x22" which was perfect for my project. 
If you have an image that is not large enough, trace it onto regular paper, scan it and resize using Word, or your favorite program.  Word is the only one I was able to figure out :)
Once you have all your images on the computer, load one sheet at a time through the feeder of your printer and hit print.  My printer reminds you to have the printing surface facing up when you feed it through.
Cut out your templates with an exacto knife and iron onto the cotton item of your choice using the cotton setting on your iron.  Make sure to iron it down really well so the edges are sealed. 
Fill in with fabric paint using a foam brush.  You want to tap the paint on to fill and then lightly brush from the outside edge toward the middle to smooth it all out.   

Once the paint has dried, peel up the corner of the paper and continue to pull at about a 45 degree angle to remove your template.
I decided to outline the edge of my crowns with more of the fabric paint so they stand out a little more since my project will be used for a photoshoot. 
Project complete!

Since we will be hanging this up on a clothesline, I decided to use some of the paint to decorate a few of the clothes pins.  

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

3rd Appointment

19 weeks, 4 days
Midwife Tania

Tania was actually the midwife on staff when I went into labor with Garrett, but she was on the last few hours of her shift so I barely saw her.  When I told her that, she was like, oh I probably was super tired at that point.  Ya think?  I got there around 3 in the morning.  They switch midwives every 24 hours at 7 AM. 

Normal appointment.  I had to remind everyone that I don't know what the gender is yet so no one accidently mentioned it.  One more week until we find out. 

When I was getting on the table to hear the heartbeat, she saw my legs and asked me what I was doing.  I told her T25 and she said "pregnant?"  LOL.  When I let her know that I was doing the modified low intensity version she was much happier.  Made my day!

Denied more testing today.  I asked about the really short sonogram and she said that she knows he is good and he is good at looking at everything fast.  So I asked her if everything was normal and she said yes, but she would try to book me for a regular OB sonogram if I wanted.  No need, just wanted to be sure since he just poked around and didn't say much.  She said I measured exactly to date on the sonogram so my due date stands.

Baby's heartbeat was 142 and I had my first stomach measurement today.  Measured exactly 19 weeks, so all you people that think I am growing too fast are wrong.  She did ask me if I was worried about my weight gain and I'm not.  I have gained more than normal, but I maintain it is my weight lifting schedule and that is what I'm sticking with. 

Next appointment is in 4 weeks and then 4 weeks after that I have my appointment and glucose test.

This week's craving:  Luigi's Strawberry Italian Ice

Garrett pulls my shirt up every night now, pats it and says "ball!"  Good times :)

Pretty much 20 weeks till we have a baby and Christmas is here. 

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Bad advice

What is the worst advice you ever received?
This is Saturday's prompt and I thought it was fitting for this page since the majority of bad advice is regarding pregnancies and parenting. 
In my world the worst advice usually is the unsolicited advice.  Everyone and their brother has an opinion on how your pregnancy is going, what you are having and how early you will go into labor.  If I ask for your thoughts, I am open to all the possibilities that may come out of your mouth, but it is just the unsolicited advice that drives me crazy. 

As far as parenting goes, the worst advice I have had was to bite my kid back every time he bit someone.  No thanks.  I think I will find another way.  Turns out it was a stage and he grew out of it fast.  Now if only some of the other kids would grow out of it at daycare that would help. 
What is the worst pregnancy/parenting advice you have received?
North East Bloggers