Saturday, June 8, 2013

Responses from those we have told

People are funny...

My family:  (as they read the #1 big bro shirt G was wearing)  Oh, you are having a baby?  Ya, we alredy know!

Kendra:  all of aisle 5 at the grocery store now knows you are pregnant (as she yells to her husband the news)

My boss:  So goes...
1.  you are due during peak season again?
2.  I'm going to tell Jerry (her boss) that from now on I am only hiring boy supervisors.
3.  You just got skinny.
4.  You were the prettiest pregnant person ever with G, I wonder if this time you will spread out and be squishy like normal women. 

Coworker:  the week before P had asked me how G was doing and someone else, M, goes you have a kid?  Don't you know how that happens?  lol.  P said, I bet it was her idea.  Mind you, these are both men.  So I just kept quiet, but it made me laugh.  Now that I have told my boss, I figured I could tell a few random people that would be most excited for me.  P was one of those, but I mean how do you just throw that out there, so I waited.  I randomly had a story about how I overheard Mark tell our friends at lunch the other day that in 5 years we would probably get a dog.  Ummm, this is news to me :)  Not that I disagree, but I just thought it was funny that he had thought this through and told our friends first.  haha.  So anyway, I'm telling P that story and he says, so anything else exciting going on, so I said, well other than getting a dog in 5 years, I guess we're going to have a baby in December.  He was like, for real, you mean this December?  well ya, I'm not an elephant.  Aren't they the ones that are prego for 2 years?  Anyway so I say Dec. 26 to be more exact.  He then proceeded to tell me that I look great prego so he's happy.  Men!

Fitness Center Manager:  I tried out one of the classes, Strength and Tone, last week and loved it.  I was sore like 30 minutes later.  So much in fact I thought my right leg was going to give out the moment I took 1 step down the stairs.  Awkward.  Ok, so that might have been a little too good of a class, but clearly I will advance if I take it more often so soreness that intense 1 time does not worry me.  So I go to tell Susie that I'm prego and can Bethany give me alternate exercises for the lay down moves in the class so I can keep taking it.  She was like, oh my goodness, um yes of course, she has taught tons of pregnant women.  Just tell her; so you taking my 10 minute abs class now?  LOL, umm, no.

Grandpa Pugh:  so grandpa have you heard our news?  We're having another baby.  He says, well, no, I really hadn't heard, but I kinda knew.  Me: HUH?  Grandpa:  well, you look pregnant but I didn't want to ask.  haha!  well, I guess that is the truth. 

Another coworker:  We will call him QA inspector K.  A little background on K:  he is older....enough said!  Ok, so several months after I had given birth to G and had been working out, eating right, and had lost all my baby weight plus like 15 pounds K comes up to me one day and says, "it looks like you are starting to work on flattening your belly."  Thanks K!!!!  This is the flattest my belly has been in many, many years, but clearly I have more to go.  Old guys!!!!!  Last week I wear a dress to work and he tells me I look KINDA NICE!  Old guys!!!!  Today I am wearing a maternity shirt and it is pretty obvious that I am with child and he asks if I am having another baby.  So I say yes and he says "oh, you were just starting to get skinny."  Old guys!!!!  A short while later he tells me about how his 1st wife got pregnant right away with their 2nd baby after going off birth control.  Then he asks me how long I was off birth control prior to getting pregnant this time.  Ummmm, didn't realize that was anyone's business :) but if you must know we chose not to use any kind of BC after the birth of our first born.  He just said OH after that.  Old guys!!!


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