Saturday, July 6, 2013


I'm not perfect.  There I said it.  Guess what?  I don't need to be and neither do you. 

Perfection or at least the concept has been the topic of conversation all around me lately.  It comes up in marriage, parenting and just as often in fitness. 

This is been on my mind for a long time.  Probably since I became a mom, but lately it has really weighed heavily.  I think it is the Facebook curse...too many mom groups...too many tired parents trying to fit in to a mold that doesn't exist..too many posts of how do I's? and why won't my child?, etc.  It is heart breaking to read these mom's posts.  They are doing what is best for them and their child and in addition to the questions and comments from random people, these moms scrutinize every choice they make.

So I say stop attempting to be perfect.  Don't be average either.  Be unique.  Parent in a way that is unique to your child, unique to your family.  Research typical behavior, growth and milestones, but then be prepared that your child may not follow those charts to a T and that is okay!!!  Do you hear me?  I am saying that is okay.  You and your child are unique.  That is what is so loveable about you.  You are not the same as me.  Sure, we can relate to being a mom, maybe our love for fitness, and a ridiculous obsession with avocados, but what is great is that we are learning and growing each day and we are different.  We don't have everything figured out and sometimes we wing it. 

In some ways I spent most of G's 1st year wondering why all "those other moms" were able to keep their house spotless, get their baby to sleep all night in their own crib, and fit in some super workout.  I never was able to accomplish any of those before he turned 1.  He was a breastfed baby and he loved mommy all of the time, day and night.  Then I figured it out.  It was all a show. Sure, sometimes the stars lined up and they had a "perfect" day, but they did not get things perfect all of the time.

I guess what I hope is that my children will grow up experiencing life, the good, the bad and even the mistakes.  I want them to own every experience and not ever feel like they are unworthy because they are not fitting a mold that is either unattainable or not meant for their purpose in life.

My house will never be 100% clean (at least not all the rooms at the same time) and we may eat out more than we should, but we have this amazing love for one another and the patience to be who we are now.


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