Monday, July 29, 2013

Naming Babies

Only 1 of these names is a contender. 
All names were pulled from as predictions for 2019 LOL
Was your husband super opionated when you were picking out baby names? I never thought it would be something a man would care about. Yep, I realize that is sexist. When I was pregnant with Garrett I realized how wrong I was. He not only had an opinion, he was passionate about it. I have always kept lists and at some point I must have made a baby name list on my computer. I don't even remember this list, so it must have been quite old. We had been married 8 years before we got pregnant with Garrett, so I had plenty of time to gather names. Mark wanted all sorts of crazy names I did not approve of so one day he found this list I supposedly wrote and found the name Garrett on it. He said he liked it and since I had already written it down, surely that meant that I liked it so in his mind we were in agreement. Men! But yes, I do love his name. It is unique and manly without being too futuristic or cute and I even love the middle name Mark gave him, Sky.

So, insert baby #2. We do not know the gender yet, but it is never too early to start thinking and planning. We have the boy name pretty much nailed down. I actually am getting more and more excited about that one. I wasn't thrilled with it at first as I have a name I love that Mark just does not understand. I have a girl name I love too, that he will not even consider. So for girl names, he thinks we have that nailed down too, but I only somewhat love the first name and hate his middle name choice. I mean HATE. Yep, super strong dislike. Yesterday I decided on a new girl name that I think I am in love with. It is unique and girly and perfect for our family. Still working on convincing him.

Do you love your kid's first and middle names? I am never going to like the middle name Mark has for a girl, but not sure it is worth fighting over. How do I explain to my potential future daughter that I love her and hate her middle name? Would that be weird? I'm not sure I have ever even asked my parents how they came up with my name. Do you know where your name originated? So, maybe it doesn't even matter. Am I overthinking this?

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