Wednesday, December 18, 2013

38 weeks midwife appointment

38 weeks, 5 days
Midwife Kathleen

This week's selfie. The weird glow from below my belly
was not edited in.  That is how the camera took the picture.
Probably couldn't get it to do that again if I tried.
So close, yet seemingly so far away.

The nurse asked if I wanted to be checked at this appointment.  I wasn't prepared to be asked that, but I decided against it.  Why?

A.  No one tells you this, but getting checked hurts.  I switched from a crazy OB to the midwives at 35 weeks last pregnancy and then had G had 38 weeks, 1 day.  I never got checked with Garrett until after my water had already broken and I was in labor so I had no idea how awful that is to have done.  I advise against it on pain alone and I didn't have pain killers or an epidural with G. 

B.  Getting checked can actually cause accidental water breakage.  I would rather go into labor on my own on Blake's birthday not on his accidental birthday.  I know that makes me crazy, but I truly believe that if a baby is fine and there are no complications, then the baby should just come when he comes.

C.  Finding out you are or are not dilating, effacing, etc really means nothing.  Just because that stuff is happening does not change your due date or give you any concrete clues as to when you will actually go into labor so I imagine any information I got from it would just make me more anxious than I already am.  I have it in my pretty little head that this Friday (2 days from now) will be my last day at work.  I sure am going to be disappointed if I have to go back to work on Monday. 

This appointment was perfectly on time.  I got there early, got my room about 4 minutes before my appointment and Kathleen was in there as soon as the nurse walked out roughly 1 1/2 minutes before my appointment.  Even she was excited about her timeliness LOL.

Blood Pressure:  119/79
Belly measurement:  who knows, she didn't say, I didn't ask
Blake is head down and we are both pretty positive he is either not as tall or large as G was.  Thinking this one is your average 8 pound butterball, not an over 9 pounder like G. 

I am still walking and carrying on like I'm not even pregnant so hopefully labor will be super easy.  That is another thing I have told myself.  Blake is just going to slip out as soon as I go into labor.  Please God do not let it last 24 hours!!!!  Drug free for 24 hours is rough, doable, but rough. 

I ordered my workout program, Body Beast, last weekend and it should be here Friday so I am ready to continue working out as soon as Blake arrives.  Yes, I realize that is one tough and buff looking dude on the cover, but I love weights.  Cardio bores me, unless on the odd occasion I really need a good run.  My research says that if you worked out your whole pregnancy there is no reason you can't dive right back in.  Of course you have to use common sense, which lucky for me I have.  I'm thinking I won't actually get started until a week after he arrives, but it will depend on how I am feeling.  I will definitely be wearing my Fitbit One and making sure 10,000 steps is happening no matter what.  I have big fitness plans this year considering Blake is technically supposed to be my last baby.  I'm not convinced yet that is true, but for now we will go with it.    

So, next appointment if for some crazy stroke of luck I make it that long is the day after Christmas, AKA my due date.  We'll see, but really it would be awesome if he came before then.  She asked if I want to have my membranes scraped that day if I make it.  Ummmmm, my quick answer was no.  If I don't want to be checked because it is painful, I'm not sure scraping certain parts sounds any less painful.  Plus, I am committed to this whole natural childbirth, babies come when babies come thing so I guess I should just stick with it.  We'll see how I feel that day though I suppose. 

Friday, December 13, 2013

37 week midwife appointment

37 w, 5 day
Midwife Amy

It is now Friday night and I am getting around to writing all this.  It has been one late night after another here this week.  When ice enters Texas, our world pretty much ends.  I must have seen every road in the DFW area this week just trying to stay away from slick spots and too much traffic.  Mostly it was all in vain. 

So when Wednesday got here, the weather had finally warmed enough to start melting the ice on the roads so having a 4 PM appointment seemed like a great time to finally get home before 7 PM.  That was my plan.....that however was not Amy or Blake's plan.

Amy asked all the normal questions about if I am ready, do I have everything planned, know where to go, etc.  Then, came the belly measurement.  Only measuring 36-37 weeks this time.  I'm convinced this baby is smaller than G.  All I am hoping for is healthy and well, maybe a slightly smaller head.  I found G's birth measurements today and his head was 14.5" which is quite large for a newborn especially one born at 38 weeks, 1 day. 

Then came the usual favorite part....the Doppler.  Baby heart beat time.  Only this time Blake thought it would be fun to squirm around so much that he must have kept rolling on his cord causing his heart rate to dip into the 90's.  Normal is 110-180, which really is a gigantic range if you think about it. 

So Amy decided I needed to head over to the MOPS area (no idea what that stands for, but basically it is a high risk prenatal assessment center).  They handed me the usual 97 sheets of paper that needed to be filled out and while I got to work on those, they hooked me up to the fetal scan and contraction monitor.  In between questions I watched his little heart bounce all over the 110-180 spectrum.  The contraction monitor was not picking up anything.  Both were great news.  Blake kept kicking the contraction monitor.  It literally moved about 3 inches above my stomach at one point.  I stayed on the monitor for about an hour and only 3 times did his heart rate drop to the 90's, but even then it was literally for 4 seconds or less.  They only worry if it stays there for more than 30 seconds at a time. 

Next up was a sonogram to check the fluid levels.  I think she said they were 11 cm, but whatever the number, she said it was good so yet again no worries.  I got to see him on the monitor for a minute or so.  She stayed down by his head and chest and didn't do any baby measuring so no idea if he is small or large or even still a boy :) 

So basically, he is fine.  He moves and kicks and squirms constantly and now we know he has plenty of fluid so there is nothing to worry about.  I am just hoping to get through 1 more week of work and then have him around the 21st.  It just sounds easier to have mom and dad already in town to watch G and not have to deal with the drama of going into labor at work.  I have already had one of my older employees tell me she's been practicing and reading up on how to catch a baby and one of our security guards also said he was prepared if necessary.  I realize I am more on the nudist side of the spectrum, but having my coworkers see me in labor does not appeal to me at all and I don't trust any of them to let me drive myself to the hospital.  I refuse to go by ambulance to any of the hospitals in Irving.  I've been to killer Baylor for 3 days due to my Crohns disease.  I actually was released on Christmas day several years ago.  Let's just say, Baylor Irving is where you send someone if you want them to be ignored and die.  I know I want minimal interventions for this birth, but I do want some of the perks of being in a hospital.  My company loves to call Ambulances and most of the time it is for one of my employees.  Last time we called one was a week before Thanksgiving.  I do not want to be the next in line thank you very much.

Today one of the ladies from the other side of the building dropped off the adorable green booties for Blake.  I love them and how nice is she for thinking of me?  So cool I think!.

I worked on my Birth Plan a little this week.  The highlights:

1.  No IV, but I will do a Heparin/saline lock if I have to.
2.  Minimal exams, mostly just upon arrival and as I feel I am progressing. 
3.  While I'm allowed to eat and drink freely, I know with G I refused everything and after 24 hours of labor I was exhausted and starving.  I asked for 2 post birth sandwich boxes LOL.  So this time I'm going to bring some Organic Apple Juice with me.  They stock regular apple juice on the delivery floor but I think I want to bring my own. 
4.  Intermittent monitoring
5.  No interventions, pain meds or epidural.
6.  No delivering on my back this time.  That was awful and caused me labor induced asthma.  Yes, there is such a thing.  Leave it to me.
7.  Delayed cord clamping until the pulsating stops.
8.  Blake goes on my chest immediately and stays there for the next 2 hours.
9.  APGAR can be done on my chest.
10.  Measurements, shots, creams, etc can be done after the 2 hours is up. 
11.  Breastfeeding begins immediately.
12.  No Hepatitis B vaccine in the hospital. 
13.  Blake will not have a bath until we get home. 
14  Blake will only leave my room for the circumcision. 
15.  No pacifiers or bottles, nursing only.
16.  Assuming we are both healthy, we are going to beg to get out ASAP.

Interesting to note, we are 13 days before Blake's due date.  Garrett had just been born at this same point in my pregnancy.  Usually you hear 1st babies are late, 2nd are early.  I'm thinking I've got this backward.  Just hope he exits by his due date.  I have been trying to take it somewhat easy so he stays in a little longer, but by next week I'm going to be walking my heart out. 

G:  age 2 on his rocking horse from grandpa Barkema

Next appointment is next Wednesday.  I wonder if it will be my final appointment.  That would be nice. 

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

36 week midwife appointment

36 weeks, 6 days
Midwife Lindsay

Selfie at work after 97 people out of nowhere, some of which had never spoken to me a day in my life (and i have worked there 10 years) decided today was the day they were going to speak to me and give me unsolicited comments on my stomach, the size of my baby and how this baby was probably coming any second.  FYI, only God and my baby know the answers to these questions.  There really is no need for you to make guesses.  If I wanted your guesses, I would put a jar at the front desk with little slips of paper and pens so you could share with me all the word vomit in your head.  Seriously, just because a girl is prego does not mean you can say anything.  Get that through your heads people!!!!!  Wow, ok, back to the fun stuff.  That was one long caption :)  One more that a double chin????  Please tell me it is the angle!
Soooooo close to this baby's due date. We managed to get our Christmas tree up before Thanksgiving this year.  Glad it is up and glad it is done.  Presents are even wrapped.  Not bad. 

Great appointment with my favorite midwife. Shhhhhhh, don't tell the others. She did deliver Garrett so she is special in that way, but really she is also super funny which is nice in the delivery room if you ask me.  This is the first time I have seen her this entire pregnancy.  
Had to find a way to include a pic of this adorable little 2 year old.  He had school pictures today and I think he is pretty handsome minus the spaghetti sauce stains of course.  Pics were before lunch thank goodness!
I had to do the Group B test today. I got to do it myself. I have never heard of such a thing, but they are midwives and it is a pretty simple test. Don't get grossed out, but if you can wipe front to back....well, then you got this! Results will be back Friday or Saturday so if I go into labor before I get the call well I'll just have to tell them to put a rush on it, but let's not have this baby just yet. It is supposed to be icy and cold this weekend.  I'm planning on staying in by the fire with some taco soup and fudge.  (Again, pretend like you didn't just read the word fudge....Eek!)

The nurse told me about a study the Baylor students are doing for patients in their 3rd trimester. It involves aromatherapy, which I had researched a ton when I was pregnant with Garrett, but never bought because the market is crazy and I never did decide who to trust as far as purchasing. So the midwives sell this kit for $40 and then you use it while in labor and after and then fill out a survey when you come back for your 2 week post partum visit. Sold. It smells good. Now to pack it so it gets used.
The Aromatherapy Kit
Lindsay measured my belly, but she didn't tell me what it was and I didn't think to ask. We listened to the heartbeat. 120-126 so perfect for his age. She felt my stomach and drumroll......this baby is head down and already really low. Yay!!!!! Well, not yay for the really low part. I need another week or so before he comes. Yet again, the car seat is not installed.

Speaking of going into labor, Lindsay asked if I remember everything to do when I went into labor. Ummmm, well, other than breathe and get to the hospital, not really. She asked if I knew who to call. Nope. Turns out it is just the regular office number no matter what time of day. Next she asked if I knew where to go. Again, not really. When I went into labor with Garrett it was after midnight and we just went through the emergency room and they wheeled me up to the right floor, but apparently not everyone's water breaks after dark. So the correct answer is during the daytime, go to the main entrance, give your car to the valet and go inside. Then she asked if I knew who was watching Garrett while we did this whole having a baby thing. Well, again, not entirely sure of that. It will depend on when he comes I guess. Prior to the 21st, we can call my aunt and hope for the best.  Thanks Aunt Lisa!  Then there is always Kendra.  Kendra, if you are reading this, you may also get a call.  Just take him to your house and let him play with the dogs.  He'll be fine!  After the 21st, mom and dad will be here. Here's the cool news. The hospital doesn't have any weird "you can't have kids in your room" rules, so technically, while probably not exactly relaxing in any shape or form, Garrett can come hang out with us until someone has time to pick him up.  Very good information to have. 

Lindsay's parting advice:  don't drive myself anywhere or get in the car if the weather does turn bad this weekend.  Although she gave the same advice a few weeks ago to all her patients when we were supposed to get ice and 2 of her patients ended up getting in car accidents that day.  We didn't even get ice.  People in Texas just drive crazier when you mention ice.  I'm not sure I appreciate the advice knowing she jinxed 2 other pregos, but I already had my car accident for this pregnancy so I should be good.  Incidently it is almost 3 months later and we are still working with the insurance company to finish getting my car fixed and getting our Diminished Value check.  I had no idea it would take this long. 

If you need something shipped to you incredibly fast, have my sister, Becky, order it for you and have it shipped to your house.  Garrett's Christmas gift arrived in 3 days, Blake's present arrived in 2.  Everything she ordered for herself has yet to arrive to her house.  My only explanation:  the drones are practicing on my address.  So they don't have the 30 minute thing down quite yet, but 2 and 3 days is pretty good too if you ask me. 
Blake's present.  Incidently I knew what it was when I went to the front door to retrieve it.  The box was making a lovely rhythmic heart beat sound.  Might need to stock up on batteries.  Can't wait to use it though.  I never had one with Garrett.   
Random notes:
*As of last night I'm officially hungry all of the time.  Maybe it is because he dropped and moved out of the way of my stomach.  It is 11:30 PM and I am really considering an apple, but since we don't keep Peanut Butter in the house because of Garrett's potential allergy it doesn't seem quite as appealing. 
*I haven't gained any weight in the last month.  Take that scale people!
*My ankles are swollen tonight.  I won't take a picture as some people would be more offended by that than my instructions on Group B swabbing.
*I'm secretly scared to death to stay home with a 2 year old and an infant.
*I am still working out! 
*I aired up the exercise ball at home and it is now my chair at the dinner table and currently my chair for writing this post.  Supposedly this is good for helping move babies along. 
*One more week and I'll be working my way through that list of things to help labor start, you know like walking, bouncing, eating spicy food.  Any other good ones?
*Gave up Facebooking for an undecided amount of time.  Need to focus on getting things done.  I seem to be spending more time on Pinterest instead, probably defeating the purpose of giving up Facebook.
*Started reading through all the tests and injections they do right after a baby is born.  So many decisions. 
*Secretly concerned my water is going to break while I am at work.  I think my boss shares the same concern.  She may be even more concerned :)
*Still not sure of the whole circumcision thing.  I get both sides and I see Mark's take, but today I read that there are different ways of doing it.  I need to see which one seems the safest and least painful and then demand that for this little guy.
*I see midwives, so no I have no idea how big this baby might be.  That seems to be a very popular question lately.  Do you know that most of those tests are not accurate anyway?  Do the research, just saying. 

My simplified birth plan:
1.  No drugs/epidurals.  Too scary!  I have a ton of other valid reasons, but I will save that for another post.
2.  No cord cutting until the cord has stopped pulsing or the placenta has been delivered.
3.  Baby goes on my chest immediately.
4.  No tests, shots, creams, etc for at least an hour after birth.  I will let them do the APGAR on my chest at 1 minute and 5 minutes.
5.  I will only let him out of my sight for the circumcision.  They will not be taking him away for a bath and heater this time.  It took way too long last time and that stuff is good for their skin.  If that grosses you out, you can wait to visit once we get him home and have bathed him. 
6.  No hats at the hospital.  They are cute, but unnecessary I have found out.  He will wear this cool crocheted hat a lady at work gave me for his hospital pics because it is that cute. 
7.  I will not let Mark talk me into going to the hospital too early. 
8.  I secretly want to bake cookies while I'm at the beginning of labor.  Why?  I have read so many birth stories that begin with "My contractions started and decided to bake some cookies for the nurses"....  I want Blake's birth story to start that way too. 
9.  Blake and I want out of the hospital as soon as possible.  24 hours is the goal and is a possibility for 2nd time moms.  1st timers are stuck for 48. 

Well, I guess that about sums it up.  Next appointment is next Wednesday.  I think I will make it to that one :)