32 weeks (56 days left)
Midwife Allison (1st time ever meeting her)
Baby B's heartbeat: 120-125
Stomach measurement: 32 weeks YAY!!
Gestational Diabetes: NOPE!!!!! Passed my 3 hour. Thank goodness. Apparently I am just a repeat 1 hour failure.
Left Leg pain: just normal Sciatica.
Workouts: Still cleared for anything and everything except laying on my back, rock climbing and treadmills. Starting a plank challenge today along with my regular routine. Join the plank challenge here (pregnant or not).
Big babies/early babies: there is no hard and fast rule, every baby just does what they want so just because G was 13 days early and 9 lbs 4 oz, it doesn't mean B will be anything like that. We just have to wait and see.
Remaining Appointments: I scheduled the next 4 appointments through December 11. It sounds so close now.
Work funny:
1. My boss was running late this morning so she asked me to go to her Friday morning meeting for her which I did and have done many times in the past. I arrived at the last possible second but I made it, huffing and puffing maybe a little. Pregnancy does things to your oxygen supply I think due to blood volume or whatever, but not critical, just a normal part of the process. Anyway, the 2 other DC managers told my boss later that she shouldn't be sending her pregnant supervisor to her meetings for her. She asked why and they said because she is pregnant. So she asked why that was a problem and they said because she is sick. What???? Oddly I workout in our work's fitness center everyday at the same time as one of these managers and he tells me daily how proud he is of me continuing to workout and how it looks like it is working to keep me in shape. So apparently pregnant women are fine to workout, but are too sick to attend meetings. Men....LOL.
2. Everyone keeps asking me when I am going to leave for maternity leave. My reply: When the baby falls out! I can't predict this baby's arrival anymore than the next person. Why waste vacation on being a large, tired, pregnant woman. I'd rather use the time for actual baby cuddles.
Room/Closet Remodel: I ordered Baby B's full name in street signs earlier this week to match the ones we have for Garrett and they arrived in 3 days. Amazing!!!!! Check out Personalized Street Signs to make your own.
As for the closet, all the clothes are now on hangers, but I need to finalize the arrangement so it makes sense. Thank goodness for walk in closets. I think it is time to organize the guest/toy room closet as it seems to have become baby overflow zone/randomness. I hate randomness in closets. Then off to tackle my closet which also serves as the garage for G's big Ford truck.